Hospitality Creation is spearheaded by Fraser Shipsides who has been working in the industry for over 20 years.

He has founded and operated many businesses in London and France and has formed a big network of specialists in all fields of hospitality. He has also consulted for many of London’s top hospitality companies.

The Hospitality Creation family is made up of various specialists that cover the following areas:

  • Design

  • PR

  • Web Design & Optimisation

  • EPOS

  • Operations

  • Recruitment

  • Advertising

  • Development Chefs and Cocktail Specialists

“Hospitality is present when something happens for you. It is absent when something happens to you. Those two simple prepositions - for and to - express it all.” ~ Danny Meyer


Everything we do… we make sure it’s of the highest quality. This doesnt mean the most expensive… but what is best for the project at hand.

Our Core Pillars


Consistency is key and that covers all aspects of hospitality. There is no point having the best menu in the world if the FOH team can’t deliver that menu to the customer.


“If you are not having fun then what’s the point in doing it?” - Whether we are helping you create a brand or launching a restaurant we will make sure we keep the smile on your face.


Not only do businesses need to adapt to seasonal changes but they also need to adapt to ever changing worldwide trends. We have our fingers on the pulse and will adapt to find the best solution for the problem at hand.


Making sure your idea/brand/restaurant is perceived how it was intended. Whether you stand for quality or reliability we will make sure it resides in the place it should do by the people that use it.


There is no replacement for hard work especially with everything going in the world. We will make sure this hard work is done on your behalf so that your life is made infinitely easier.