Developing a Concept/Idea

Concept & Brand Creation

We can help and advise on everything from day one. From coming up with a name, logo or even helping you define your concept. We can help with brand identity and outline “pillars” that will focus the project into the right direction.

Market Research

Having a great idea is a good start but if it isnt located in the right place or targetted at the right people then it is doomed to fail from the off. We can help you look at your idea and create certain guidelines and parameters to make it a success.


Whether it’s a logo, a menu, a brand font, a flyer or a social media advert… We have you covered.

Feasibility Studies

You have your idea but do you know how many covers your restaurant should have or how big the bar should be? We’ll help you answer the basic, nitty gritty questions. We can also help you put together a basic P&L (Profit & Loss) for the project that will help in aspects from fundraising to break evens.

Business Plan/Brand Deck

Do you have the money for the project or do you need investors? We can also help you create a brand/concept/pitch deck to help you raise money or sell your idea.

This is the most fun part of any project. You may have a great idea or even just a rough direction you want to go in. We can help you take this acorn and turn it into a tree. The following are services we can provide to help at this early stage:

The Best Place To Think is The Bar

Contact us to know more!


Opening a Restaurant/Bar