Opening a Restaurant/Bar

Design/Builders/Architect Selection

The most important part of launching any new venture is getting the right designer, builder and if needed architect. We will help you find the right team for the job.

All Operational Issues

We help from start to finish. We will support you on all things operational at your venue. THIS IS OUR STRENGTH. We will help you set up suppliers, get staff, bar layout & design, training various systems that are being used on site. You think of it and we’ll have it covered.

Menu Development

We have access to development chefs and cocktail specialists that can help tailor your menu to your needs and wants. You may have an idea of what you want but our professionals can help your ideas come to life.


Staff are key to any project. We will help you finding the right staff for your project. They could be very experienced or a diamond in the rough. We can help train and develop them into the best brand ambassadors you can imagine.

Legal/Licensing Issues

Making sure the legal/licensing issues are completed correctly at the beginning of the project is essential. Crossing the “T’s” and dotting the “I’s” is what we are best at.

Opening a bar or restaurant is definitely one of the most stressful things you can do… But also one of the most rewarding. “Don’t Panic”… Hospitality Creation is here to take this stress away. Nothing could go wrong or everything could go wrong, but either way we can put your mind at rest. Time and money are the biggest factors here and we know how best to optimise both.

Passo Window

Developing an Idea


Optimising Your Restaurant/Bar